First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flowers Workshop – Dunedin

First Light® Flowers – Flowers of Transformation
Transform your Attitude – Change your Life
In the First Light® Flowers of Transformation course you will discover how to use the 36 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1- 36 to support yourself and others to transform negative attitudes and return to a natural state of joy.
NZNFE 101 Unit One: Introduction to the 36 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-36. The personality, its role and purpose. The anatomy of the personality. How to identify your ‘power flower’ – your personal keynote essence.
NZNFE 102 Unit Two: Information on the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 primal urges. How to identify the pain, stress, depression cycle. The 12 departments of life and the 12 body zones. Consultant and client modules.
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